Meet the Team: Scott Clarkson – Despatch Coordinator
How long have you worked for Kingfisher? 8 years
What is your role in the Kingfisher team? Organise transport and liaise with the sales admin team and production to ensure orders are dispatched in full, meeting the customer’s requirements.
What do you enjoy about your role? Working with the Kingfisher team and job satisfaction.
What is your favourite film and why? Any type of action/adventure film.
I can’t get through the week without… My football fix (much to my colleague Anne’s annoyance :D)
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A professional footballer.
Who would your ideal dinner party guests be (Dead or alive)? Steve Cooper, and ex- Nottingham Forest players.
What TV show are you currently binge-watching? The Last of Us.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl.
Have you ever met anyone famous? A few ex-footballers.
Staycation or exotic holiday? Don’t mind either.
Favourite food? Steak (medium rare) and chips.
Favourite drink? Spiced rum and coke.
What three things would you take to a desert island and why? A hammock for a good night’s sleep, a box of matches to light a fire at night and to cook on and fishing net.